ITF Post: how to submit your final project, handout, and the one thing that every group needs to do

Prof. Rabinowitz and I were blown away by the presentations yesterday! It was clear to us that, even while still in-progress, the final project was approached by all groups with creativity and enthusiasm. The best part is that the efforts put forth so far have put each group in a very productive place to make improvements to the content of the site as well as the design.

Prof. Rabinowitz distributed a checklist for the final project and gave feedback to each group in class. I’ve included a handout with tip for revising sites for a general audience, which you can find below. Both the checklist and this handout are also available in the shared GDrive folder.

I’ve set up a page for each group member to submit their final project and the write-up about group participation – just click the menu item “Submit Your Final Project.” Each person in the group needs to fill out the form with their name, email, URL of the site, and file upload for the write-up. You can also use this form to submit a transcript of your interview. Please upload all documents as PDF files!

The one thing that each group needs to do before submitting the final version of their website: change the site visibility so it can be viewed by people outside the network. The instructions for doing this are in the handout, and if you have any questions, please email me!

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