ITF Post: How to add footnotes to your posts

After reading everyone’s latest posts, it occurred to me that there’s a simple way to add citations to your posts: the plugin FD Footnotes. I’ve activated FD Footnotes and now you can easily add footnotes to your posts.

Why is this important? 1. Published posts instantly appear more streamlined; 2. As a result, the reader focuses on your ideas and you’re still properly citing your sources. 3. Learning how to adapt academic writing conventions to digital formats develops your ability to write for different platforms and audiences.1

Read on for very easy instructions + screen recording that I made to show you how to do it!

To add a footnote, simply put the footnote number + bibliography note info in between brackets.

Here is a screenshot to show you what using FD Footnotes would look like:

Screenshot showing FD Footnotes short code that adds footnotes – brackets, number, and citation info.

Here is what the sentences in the screenshot look like once a post is published.

According to Dr. Smith, this development in real estate stems from varied factors 2 Supporting Smith’s idea is the data from the report by the research team at Fancy Think Tank.3

As you can tell from reading this post, the shortcode provided by FD Footnote puts all the info in the brackets at the end of the post. 

Below, I’ve uploaded the screen recording of me using FD Footnotes – I doubled the speed to shorten the video so if you have any questions, I would suggest first checking the FD Footnotes page or contacting me with your problem:

  1. Alexis Carrozza, ITF for your seminar.
  2. This is the second citation in this post.
  3. This is the third citation created for this post.

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