Coming to America

Stefan Nikolic

5 out of 5

“The Man in the White Sharkskin Suit” by Lucette Lagnado details the journey her father went through coming to America. The story she tells is one that many immigrants had to go through. Immigrants leave their countries for a variety of reasons, but fleeing political turmoil and conflict has become more and more common in recent years. In this story Lucettes father, Leon was in love with his city. If not for the Suez Canal crisis, he would have lived out the rest of his life there, but growing antisemitism pushed him out of his beloved home. Leon had to leave his success and his wealth behind in order for his family to be safe. The things Leon and his family had to experience during their exile is something that almost all immigrant families can relate to.

After being forced out of their homes they had to give up their comfort, wealth, and even their way of life. Upon finally arriving in America the Lagnado family had to struggle to survive and make ends meet. Leon even had to start selling ties out of a suitcase on the subway, yet they still found themselves, “dependent on charity for himself and his family to survive.” Many immigrants share this struggle, and find it extremely difficult to find a job in a new country where they don’t speak the language. On top of this Leon, like many immigrants, desperately missed his home city. He missed everything about it, from the sights to the smells. Upon moving to New York City he was able to find a sort of comfort in his religious community, becoming very devout and spending most of his day in the synagogue. This is very relatable to our class material because it gives insight on how enclaves begin to form. People from different countries find a second home amongst each other where they all speak the same language and can help each other out.


  1. Why would families have to give up their wealth upon moving to a new country?
  2. If they already enjoy wealth in their native country, why risk it all to move?

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