So much more to see when in NYC

Response 5 of 5: Walking/Eating Tour

By: Mariam Esa

     When I was a kid, I used to go to Manhattan almost every day with my dad. He’d take me to work with him and afterwards we’d head out to different places such as Central Park, Toys R Us and Planet Hollywood. I thought then that I had a pretty good understanding on the diversity of the city. However, I learned this past Tuesday just how little I actually knew. Continue reading “So much more to see when in NYC”

Subway Stories

Response 4 of 5: Underground Movements: Modern Culture on the New City Subway by Sunny Stalter-Pace

By: Mariam Esa

      Sunny Stalter-Pace’s Underground Movements: Modern Culture on the New City Subway considers various views of the subway as voiced by numerous people. The book in a sense represents the city by providing a wide array of subway stories that reminds us of the countless perspectives to be found in New York City. Throughout the course of this book, we are introduced to ideas of the dangers of the subway, the artistic expression of it, the way it portrays diversity, and much more. It allows us to see just how integrated the subway is in making New York City what it is. Continue reading “Subway Stories”

City Museum

Post 2 of 5: Museum of the City of New York

By: Salvatore Fevola


Diversity, Money, Creativity, and Density: The threads consolidating New York.

The tour began with 4 words, seemingly pillars, that effectively generalize New York and were examined throughout the exhibits. The first theme that showed up was Money, as it was the main reason for New York being colonized. Beaver pelts were a hot aristocrat item, and it was interesting that the tour began before America. This allowed the tour to be unique in adding details that people may have forgotten or don’t think about. Next is Diversity and Density coming hand in hand as New York became a hub of immigration causing cultures to mix and clash, while forcing the use of every possible piece of land. The approach to these felt a little more lackluster as there wasn’t as much detail put into the interactions that were caused by Diversity and Density. Sure, money was the reason people moved to New York, but there wasn’t much discussion on how different cultures reacted toward one another. Then there is Creativity, which came in the form of movements, the figuring out of problems never seen before, and genuine artistic growth. This includes the progressive era attempting to improve the lives of everyone, trying to manage an extremely dense populous, and things such as the Harlem renaissance.  Continue reading “City Museum”

Diversity through Food

Allison Wu

Reflection 1 of 5

97 Orchard Street: An Edible History of Five Immigrant Families in One New York Tenement

Diversity through Food

Jane Zeigelman’s book, 97 Orchard Street: An Edible History of Five Immigrant Families in One New York Tenement, tells the story of how different families from different cultures use food from their origins to shape their lives in NYC. Their use of native food in their new environment ultimately forms the diversity that NYC has today. Continue reading “Diversity through Food”