Subway Stories

Response 4 of 5: Underground Movements: Modern Culture on the New City Subway by Sunny Stalter-Pace

By: Mariam Esa

      Sunny Stalter-Pace’s Underground Movements: Modern Culture on the New City Subway considers various views of the subway as voiced by numerous people. The book in a sense represents the city by providing a wide array of subway stories that reminds us of the countless perspectives to be found in New York City. Throughout the course of this book, we are introduced to ideas of the dangers of the subway, the artistic expression of it, the way it portrays diversity, and much more. It allows us to see just how integrated the subway is in making New York City what it is. Continue reading “Subway Stories”

the Subway System: Shaping NYC

(Reflection 4 of 5)

by Anna Tsomo

Sunny Stalter-Pace’s Underground Movements: Modern Culture on the New York City Subway is an apt representation of the subject on which it is written. Meandering, multifaceted yet somehow cohesive, the book is much like the New York City subway system. Through its well-developed perspectives, it allows readers to understand how fully the subway has influenced modern culture—not only literature, but the wider meaning of subway stories, and how they become truths. While that is the focus of the text, it also sheds light on how the subway divides and connects people.

Continue reading “the Subway System: Shaping NYC”