U.S. Law May Allow Killings, Holder Says

6 03 2012

US Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. gave a speech regarding the law which may allow the government to kill citizens whom they believe are a threat to the US. “It was notable for the nation’s top law enforcement official to declare that it is constitutional for the government to kill citizens without any judicial review under certain circumstances.”

“He focused on one situation in which someone could be killed without a trial: when a citizen who is believed to be an operational leader of Al Qaeda or its allies and who is plotting attacks; who is located in a country that either granted the United States permission to strike or that is unable or unwilling to suppress the threat on its own; and whose capture is not feasible.

Significantly, Mr. Holder did not say that such a situation is the only kind in which it would be lawful to kill a citizen. Rather, he said it would be lawful “at least” under those conditions. Later, he offered an example of another situation in which it would be lawful to kill a citizen even if all those requirements were not met: “operations that take place on traditional battlefields.””




One response to “U.S. Law May Allow Killings, Holder Says”

    7 03 2012
      Julianna Fricchione (16:17:13) :     

    How do you believe this relates to Foreign Policy in The Middle East?