Turkey claims that Syria’s apprehensive regime will collapse

7 05 2012



Turkey’s prime minister claims that the collapse of Assad’s regime is inevitable

UN remains skeptical regarding whether or not Syria will maintain ceasefire

17 04 2012



The artdiscusses uses the UN’s view on the likelihood of Syria maintaining the ceasefire and Secretary General Ban Kimoon’s call for UN solidarity

Possible solution ot the Middle East conflict regarding Iran

19 02 2012


Attack on Ambassadors heightens conflict

19 02 2012


An important consideration regarding Israel’s current stance against Iran has to do with recent attacks on Israelis( I believe ambassadors) in Bangkok and India

Muslim Brotherhood to review treaty regarding Israel

19 02 2012


The article discusses a new complication in the Middle East where Egypt’s new leadership is considering nullifying the peace treaty with Israel should the US remove its funding from the country

US, Britain Urge Israel not to attack Iran

19 02 2012



This is the latest update on the controversy over Iran’s nuclear program