Saudi Arabia in the New Middle East

2 02 2012

Below is a report done by the Council on Foreign Relations. It is wise to use it for research and I urge you to take a look at other publications the council releases. If you are in antoher group besides the Middle East, you do not need to look at this.


Sunday NYT Magazine “Will Israel Attack Iran?”

2 02 2012

Ned thought this would be of interest for the policy group. It’s a link to the New York Times. I believe the Times allows 20 digital articles a month for free…..



5 01 2012

I’m your Instructional Technology Fellow Suzanne Tamang, and this is the blog for Shaping the Future of NYC with Professor Ned Regan and Julianna Fricchione.

We’ll be using this space as an online forum to discuss research proposal ideas, and provide information for your Macaulay conference presentation in May.  For this reason, the main menu is divided into the four project themes (Foreign Policy, Dissent/Rebellion, Fair Trade, and Media), and a page for conference presentation tips and other related information.