Free trade vs. Fair trade

22 02 2012

This website contains specific cases regarding
both Free Trade and Fair Trade.

U.N. Agency Returns to Inspect Iran Nuclear Program

20 02 2012

This is the latest on the standoff between Iran and the West over Iran’s nuclear program.

Iran Raid Seen as a Huge Task for Israeli Jets

20 02 2012


This is a very interesting analysis of the potential difficulties facing Israel should they decide to launch an airstrike on Iran’s nuclear sites.

Possible solution ot the Middle East conflict regarding Iran

19 02 2012


Attack on Ambassadors heightens conflict

19 02 2012


An important consideration regarding Israel’s current stance against Iran has to do with recent attacks on Israelis( I believe ambassadors) in Bangkok and India

Muslim Brotherhood to review treaty regarding Israel

19 02 2012


The article discusses a new complication in the Middle East where Egypt’s new leadership is considering nullifying the peace treaty with Israel should the US remove its funding from the country

US, Britain Urge Israel not to attack Iran

19 02 2012


This is the latest update on the controversy over Iran’s nuclear program

Obama pushes manufacturing, fair trade with China

18 02 2012

Obama pushes manufacturing, fair trade with China

By Dan Merica and Alan Silverleib, CNN
updated 3:41 PM EST, Fri February 17, 2012

(CNN) — President Barack Obama trumpeted his manufacturing and export agenda Friday, telling a crowd in Washington state that the American economy is poised for a strong, long-term recovery with the right kind of government assistance.

“The last few decades haven’t been easy for manufacturing,” the president said during a tour of Boeing’s assembly plant in Everett. But “in this country we don’t give up even when times are tough.”

Americans “don’t have to sit there and settle for a lesser future,” he asserted.

Obama’s remarks were made on the third day of a West Coast swing mixed with policy announcements and political events. Among other things, he discussed the need to provide greater export financing to American manufacturing companies while expanding support for small business.

He hit on the need to ensure fairer trading practices with China — a political hot button in the current campaign. Several of Obama’s Republican critics have attacked the administration for failing to do more to reduce America’s trade imbalance with the growing Asian power.

“I will go anywhere in the world to open up new markets for American products,” Obama said. “If we have a level playing field, America will always win because we have the best workers.”

The speech — built on the administration’s “Blueprint for an America to Last” — came three days after a litany of administration officials, including the president and Vice President Joe Biden, met with Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping in Washington.

During the speech, the president highlighted his promise to double American exports over five years — a goal he said is on track to be reached ahead of schedule.

Obama pushed Congress in his speech to reauthorize the U.S. Export-Import Bank, the official credit agency tasked with helping to finance the foreign purchase of goods from American companies who are unable to accept the credit risk themselves. In 2011, the bank provided $41 billion in financing to over 3,600 U.S. companies.

According to a White House news release, these “programs come at no cost to U.S. taxpayers, as the (bank) not only operates on a self-sustaining basis, but it has returned well over $3 billion to the U.S. Treasury since 2005.”

Obama also said he wants to help American firms get matching support to counter financing that other multinational companies are receiving from their governments. He encouraged Congress to reform the tax code to discourage overseas manufacturing while providing additional support to manufacturers that make cutting edge products or set up shop in economically depressed areas.

Obama was scheduled to visit two campaign fundraisers following his visit to Boeing.


18 02 2012


Oxfam is one of the leading NGOs that is committed to reduce economic inequality and poverty

in the third world. One major difference that Oxfam has from other IOs and NGOs is that it attempts to

build a sustainable economy based on fair trade in the underdeveloped nations instead of giving direct aid to them.


This information page provides a thorough view on

what is fair trade and what Oxfam strives to achieve.



Making the Case for Corporate Social Responsibility

18 02 2012


This article is very (I mean really really) long, but it contains a lot of useful information about fair trade corporations.

It goes over four dominant fair trade corporations in the market – such as the body shop and starbucks (the latter which is slightly

controversial) – and their practices of corporate responsibility in the global market.