research project credits

hi all, if you did not include a credits section in your paper please send me a list of credits explaining who did what for the research project/paper.  also, please confirm with me who presented the group project at the MHC final event/conference.  thanks!  prof reichl

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reminder – review session today (tues) 4-5

as planned, i will be available for a review session today (tues) from 4-5 in our regular classroom.  ar

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review session tues 5/22, 4:00-5:00

from the feedback i have received so far this appears to be the favored time, so i will hold a review session on tues 5/22 from 4-5.  i am awaiting confirmation on a room and will notify you asap about our meeting place (hopefully in the honors center). ar

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review session 5/22

it appears that the general preference is for a review session on tues 5/22, .  i give an exam from 11-1, but i’m free after that.  i have heard that some of you have afternoon exams from 1:45-3:45.  so how about a review from 4-5?  or would you prefer another time?  let me know and i will make the arrangements.  ar


papers and final

hi all, i hear your concerns about the demands of completing the papers and preparing for the final, so i am willing to extend the deadline for the paper; the end of finals week, 5/24, is fine.  i do, however, want to proceed with the final exam as scheduled (wed 5/23, 11-1).  here is my reasoning: the requirements of this course are appropriate in relation to to my other courses, falling between my regular 200-level courses in political science (2 essay exams, 5-7 page research paper, and often an additional 3-page analytical paper) and my poli sci seminar (2 essay exams, 10-12-page research paper, plus all the participation requirements that you have [postings, discussion leader, etc]).  therefore if did not require a final exam for this course i would have required a significantly longer research paper, perhaps double the length you are doing.  in that sense the final exam is relieving you of additional work you would otherwise be required to do for your papers.

i think it is a trade-off that works to your advantage.  i consciously designed the reading assignments to be light for this half of the semester.  there are four broad topics — branding NYC, the warhol economy, vital street-life and neighborhoods, and the impact of subways vs. highways — all of which, i believe, are by now very familiar to you.  i will not ask you details of the readings; instead i will ask to to think/write about how you might apply the lessons from our readings/discussions to present-day issues concerning NYC.  you will be asked to write two essays, with three options to choose from.  i expect that an hour would be enough time to produce a top-notch exam.

i am happy to run a review session on the afternoon of tuesday 5/15 or even tues 5/22 if anyone is interested.  please let me know if/when you would attend a review session; if there is enough interest i will arrange for classroom space.  otherwise i can be available in my office.

best of luck with your finals! prof reichl



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big thanks to all adventurers

i realize that today’s filed trip wasn’t easy — long trek, bad weather, early morning, late notice, etc — so i want to offer special thanks to those who ventured out to Gov’s Isl: Silky, Jessica, Ilana, Clarissa, Dalya, Susan, Corina, and Jackie, who made the tour; Ashley, Vanessa, and Greg, who took the second boat over to meet us; and Erica, who deserves an honorable mention for her valiant effort, even if she had to settle for a sail-by tour while en route to lovely Staten Island.  not bad, given that only Silky was present at the terminal 15 minutes prior to departure.   anyway, i appreciate all your effort and i won’t forget it!  hopefully it was worthwhile.  in any case, you can chalk it up as an i-remember-when NYC experience.   best, prof reichl

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Gov’s Isl info

fyi, directions to GI:

By Subway
1 to South Ferry station (from LIRR to Penn Station)
4, 5 to Bowling Green station (from E to Lexington/53rd, then 6 to 42nd)
R to Whitehall St. station (from F to 34th)

whatever means of transportation you choose be sure to allow plenty of time.  remember, the boat departs at 9 am sharp; a few minutes late and you miss the tour (though you can ride over at 10 and meet us, just for the experience).  i know it’s early, but then again you won’t need to be up late tonight reading and posting!

it will be a walking tour; nothing too rugged, but wear appropriate shoes.  come prepared for rain if necessary.  also there won’t be any snacks or drinks available on the island so any refreshments you want you must bring with you.

any questions, let me know.

i look forward to seeing you there.  it will be fun.

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Governor’s Island tour wednesday!

class, i just received confirmation that our tour of Governor’s Island is on for this wednesday, 5/9.  we will be riding over on the 9:00 am ferry boat from the Battery Maritime Building at 10 South Street, just adjacent to the Staten Island Ferry Terminal.  (next ferry is 10, so you can’t be late.)  we will return on the 10:45 ferry, so you can be back to QC by 12:05 or shortly thereafter.  it’s a really great opportunity and i look forward to seeing all of you there. ar

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good luck!

i hope to see some of you in action tomorrow.  in any case, i want to wish you all the best of luck with your presentations.  i was impressed with what i saw last week; you have all done a lot of good work that you can be proud of.  the main task for everyone is condensing your material to fit the time limit (so the moderators don’t cut you off).  with a clear, concise presentation your work will shine through as interesting and well-informed.  so relax and enjoy the experience!  best, prof reichl

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class presentations wed. 5/2

hi all, as you prepare for your group presentations in class on wed 5/2 the basic guidelines to keep in mind are: 1) each group will have 15-20 minutes for a presentation, and another 10 min for questions/comments; and 2) each member of the group should speak on her/his part of the project.  above all this is an opportunity to rehearse and plan for your presentation at Macaulay on sunday.  ar

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