Robert Moses, the Successful Relocator

I’m still not quite sure how Moses was able to get away with relocating so many thousands of people from their homes in order to build his highways and new housing projects. This is a big issue today as different parts of New York are undergoing gentrification and the uprooting of native, generally poor, people from their neighborhoods. Gentrification comes at a cost: it’s good for the rich who move into those revitalized neighborhoods, but it also creates more congestion and overcrowding when the lower class people get kicked out of their neighborhood to an already crowded slum that contains their respective ethnicity or race. To me, it seems like any gains get canceled out by the worsening conditions of the lower class being forced into slummy ghettos. Yet somehow Moses was able to make it work. He managed to resist the yelling and screaming that no doubt accompanied his forced relocation of residents.

This entry was posted in February 6, Jonathan Tepp. Bookmark the permalink.

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