Electing the CEO Mayor

A lot of the reading focused on this cult personality, or charisma a CEO needs in order to lead a business into success. Bloomberg took this idea and decided he could run on it in order to get him into politics. The author seemed skeptical in the way Mayor Bloomberg ran for office, arguing that the charismatic CEO is a myth. The book then goes on to discuss how Bloomberg would run the city like a business.

Bloomberg’s campaign worked very well but the real question is if his implementation of his plan was as effective as he claimed. Bloomberg wanted to best and brightest to work for him so he returned to the idea of a meritocracy. The US has, for many years now, tried to strive for the ideals of a meritocracy but in many cases the reality was segregation and discrimination. So, has Bloomberg ran the government officially? Was his plan more than just talk? Well, I agree with the idea of a charismatic CEO. When we speak of presidents or famous conquered or leaders I do believe they had this leadership ability that truly can move and change a nation. Names like MLK, Napoleon Bonaparte, and Julius CaesarĀ  come to mind. Now, whether Bloomberg is one of those men, it is hard to determine without foresight. Not being an expert in politics, I do not believe I can fully assess whether Bloomberg’s time in government is truly efficient. However, I can say his campaign strategy was brilliant.

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