class 4/3 and other info

hi all: there is a slight change in plan for our class session on 4/3.  the only readings will be “Understanding New York City’s Budget: A Guide” (read it all) and “Budget Options for NYC”  (read through the table of contents and then skim through the descriptions of items you don’t understand).  most of the class session will be devoted to a budget-making exercise so you will need to be familiar with these documents.  there will be no discussion leaders and no need to post comments (discussion leaders will be reassigned to other weeks).  both documents are posted under readings; you can also find them on the website for the NYC Independent Budget Office ( .  follow these links for the precise documents:

as for your group class sessions beginning on 4/10, we will settle the schedule in class on 4/3.  this is an incentive for all groups to be thinking about their class sessions already, and all will need to submit a tentative bibliography and outline by that date anyway.

of course i am always happy to help with anything related to your group projects.

happy holidays and happy break to all!

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