Readings for 4/10

Hi class, these are the readings for 4/10.

Please post your reactions/comments before class on Wednesday. Feel free to share your opinions concerning Bloomberg’s public health policies. Questions you may consider are: Do you think these policies will benefit the people of NYC, or is Bloomberg just acting as a “Nanny-in-chief”? Do you think his policies are too controlling, or are his policies justified by his intentions to combat obesity and bring about a healthier New York?

Public Health in NYC 2002-2007

Bloomberg: Nanny-in-chief or health crusader? 

NYC War on Fat – NEJM

Calorie Labeling and Food Choices- A First Look at the Effects on Low-Income People in NYC

Mayor Mike Bloomberg, Public Health Autocrat: A Brief History 

Optional: A group of anti-Bloomberg-health-policies. You can just skim through the site: MyFoodMyChoice

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