He Just Wants to Make Us Healthier!

Well what’s really wrong with wanting to make the city healthier? What’s wrong with having restaurants display calorie counts or trying to get people to quit smoking? Why is Bloomberg’s stress for city-wide health any different than a move to make our city safer? Personally speaking, I don’t care much for smoking, so it doesn’t bother me that smoking is so restricted. Actually, I’m all for it. I realize it hurts the tobacco companies, and those are businesses that bring revenue, but I wouldn’t really mind if they all just shut down. In a nation known for its obesity rate, it’s not really a bad idea to have the citizens informed of what they are consuming. I don’t see why everyone is so opposed to some laws that are actually quite helpful!

I realize this brings up the issue (more like struggle, because it’s been an issue since the founding of our nation) of the extent to which our government should control our lives. It seems that over the centuries the government has gained more and more control, but is a move toward anarchy really the answer? Aren’t we safer because of their control, aren’t we healthier and happier? Or is what I’m saying the result of brainwash that the system wants us to believe? Ok, I’ll stop before I get into conspiracy theories. 😛 It’s a constant struggle, but from my perspective, humans need some sort of guidance and this doesn’t seem to be harming anyone (besides the evil tobacco companies).

This entry was posted in April 10, Sylvia Zaki. Bookmark the permalink.

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