What’s so great about soda anyway?

I constantly hear people that I know complaining about Bloomberg’s policies, when personally I find myself agreeing with many of his positions. Personally, I do not condone the drinking of soda in the first place, it is unhealthy and completely artificial. In a country with an epidemic of obesity, we should strive as a whole to take better care of our health. Why would you ever need an excess of 16 ounce soda? I understand that there will be those that claim low income families have little to no choice when trying to provide for their children, but if one were to invest in a home filtering system (such as Brita), water is not only a cheaper option, but a healthier one.

I feel that the food industry as whole needs a revolution. It’s a shame that individuals are so willing to accept the price distribution between healthy foods and their cheaper, often unhealthy counterparts. Documentaries such as Food Inc. and Supersize Me should open people’s eyes and cause them to demand healthier alternatives instead of being content with cheap soda and snack foods. In an ideal society, organic and heart healthy foods would cost as much, if not less than luxury snack food items. However, that issue goes deeper than healthy vs unhealthy, it’s a matter of economics. Unfortunately, we live in a society that aims to maximize its profit, and mass production of these fatty foods allows for lower costs and ultimately greater revenue for the company.

This entry was posted in April 10, Kathryn Cox. Bookmark the permalink.

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