Can we go to the park?

As a child, receiving my first Lego set or my first power ranger was always a very thrilling moment. Though, those moments were fleeting. When I would go to the park, each time I went was another adventure. Who will I meet, where will I play, what will I play with, there are so many factors that are involved in the seemingly simplistic park model. Yet, as simple as it may seem, parks are not that universal, or should I say, “citified” (yes, I made up that word).

It has been shown that lower income household areas, which tend to be filled with minorities, have fewer, and lesser quality parks. The park is meant for social development, recreational activities, as well as promotion the imagination and child’s overall well being. Parks, while having an innocent intent, also carry the burden of those that don’t have a place to go. Parks are associated with substance abusers and those usually considered a “burden on society”; as well as the homeless. The lesser quality, and fewer, parks found in lower economic areas only attract the people that have no place to be, while scaring away the innocent children. It is a nasty positive feedback cycle, which only gets worse and worse unless properly intervened.

We have seen so much work put into the already beautiful central park and other famous New York Parks. What about those in Harlem? Don’t they deserve a proper park for growth and development, and most importantly, fun? Bloomberg, which I think finally we’ll be able to get a unanimous decision on the positive of his plans, plans on making sure there are plenty of parks that are accessible to all for all the boroughs. Although this is an issue that should have been addressed earlier, it is better late than never.  Instead of children following down the path of individual “fun time” by using their computers, Ipad’s, and other digital forms of lone enjoyment, developing skills and relationships can return to the proven healthy realm of the town park.

Simply, the park is essential to a child’s development. The development of the adults of tomorrow should be as important of the safety and welfare of the general public. It is with the importance and essential need of the park is Mayor Bloomberg so intent on the  growth of the playground for the growth of the children..

This entry was posted in April 17. Bookmark the permalink.

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