Author Archives: Caitlin

Just a glimpse at how I feel

When I think back to September 11th it seems like it wasn’t so long ago that I felt the overwhelming fear I had as a little girl knowing that both my mom and dad worked in Lower Manhattan. Now knowing … Continue reading

Posted in Caitlin Corona, March 13 | Leave a comment

Consumed with Consumption

It’s sad to think that it wasn’t until I read David Harvey’s, Cracks in the Edifice of the Empire State, that I considered the actual reason the World Trade Center was attacked other than its size and significance in the New York City … Continue reading

Posted in Caitlin Corona, February 27 | Leave a comment

How far is too far?

Robert Moses was definitely a man of incredible complexity: he both helped and hurt the city in many ways during his time in power as well as, today. It’s evident that he did a lot for New York City during … Continue reading

Posted in Caitlin Corona, February 13 | Leave a comment