Author Archives: zachyadler
Oh look, Another Debate
The debate of “Stop and Frisk” has been going on for as long as I can remember (which isn’t that long considering the time of my initial interest or observation of what’s being written in the Newspapers.) The road to … Continue reading
Clean up in Aisle “Education”
There is no topic stressed more in importance that the issue of education. Education is where a child begins to learn questions and form his ideas about world and life. It’s a place, idealistically, for the mine to wander and … Continue reading
Can we go to the park?
As a child, receiving my first Lego set or my first power ranger was always a very thrilling moment. Though, those moments were fleeting. When I would go to the park, each time I went was another adventure. Who will … Continue reading
NYC: A Complicated Love Story
To contrast Bloomberg’s New York and The New Deal spurs off many opposing, yet both logical ideas and thoughts. While we can all agree that New York City is quite a complicated and complex place, the approach to fixing our … Continue reading
Bloomberg O’ Bloomberg
Mayor (CEO) Michael Bloomberg is a smart man. He took his plunge into the political ring in a time of need for guidance. After 9/11, NY needed a man like Bloomberg. Charismatic, smart, and a symbol of success and perseverance, … Continue reading
Twin Towers and Twin Meanings
When first reading David Harvey’s, Cracks in the Edifice of the Empire State, my initial reaction was confusion of need for an over complication of the interpretation the media took when analyzing the attacks on the World Trade Center. Simply, … Continue reading
Robert Moses: Good…Bad…it’s confusing…Do We Know?
Robert Moses does not seem to be able to make things simple in his professional endeavors. We have previously discussed Moses based off Caro’s negatively lit words on Caro’s accomplishments. Like life, nothing is ever perfect. People do tend to … Continue reading
Moses: Splitting The Pros and the Cons
The beauty of the expressways and highways that Robert Moses has crafted is my ability to get where I want when I want. Although he may have pushed public transportation to the side, there still was, is, and always will … Continue reading