Category Archives: April

April categories

What’s so great about soda anyway?

I constantly hear people that I know complaining about Bloomberg’s policies, when personally I find myself agreeing with many of his positions. Personally, I do not condone the drinking of soda in the first place, it is unhealthy and completely … Continue reading

Posted in April 10, Kathryn Cox | Leave a comment

He Just Wants to Make Us Healthier!

Well what’s really wrong with wanting to make the city healthier? What’s wrong with having restaurants display calorie counts or trying to get people to quit smoking? Why is Bloomberg’s stress for city-wide health any different than a move to … Continue reading

Posted in April 10, Sylvia Zaki | Leave a comment

Smoking or Sodas?

What I find interesting is that most people here seem to be morally imposed to the Soda Ban, but in favor of the Smoking Ban. While the reason that everyone seems to give is that the Smoking Ban affects other … Continue reading

Posted in April 10, Nicola Kornbluth | Leave a comment

What’s the Difference?

After reading these articles I am really impressed by what Bloomberg did with smoking and trans fat laws. But like those who posted before me I can’t help but try to distinguish what was the difference between the smoking ban … Continue reading

Posted in April 10, Yvette Deane | Leave a comment

A Health Crusader or a Mean Dictator

I’m actually surprised at how much Bloomberg has done for the public health sector of New York City. Before reading these articles, I had no idea that Bloomberg made New York City one of the first cities to ban smoking … Continue reading

Posted in April, April 10, Tyler Bianco | Leave a comment

Banning the Soda Ban

Like many New Yorkers, I was relieved when Bloomberg’s soda ban failed to pass. And I don’t even drink soda. It’s the principle of the matter that bothers me. The ban on smoking in restaurants I was more receptive of; … Continue reading

Posted in April 10 | Leave a comment

Readings for 4/10

Hi class, these are the readings for 4/10. Please post your reactions/comments before class on Wednesday. Feel free to share your opinions concerning Bloomberg’s public health policies. Questions you may consider are: Do you think these policies will benefit the … Continue reading

Posted in Announcements, April 10 | Leave a comment