Category Archives: February 27

Global and No Time For Being Mindful

Growing up in New York City almost my entire life, I am definitely biased:  I am the kind of New Yorker who sees NYC as the center of the world.  This week’s readings only reaffirmed that bias in me (although I am … Continue reading

Posted in February 27, Zohar Bachiry | Leave a comment

Where tragedy meets patriotism and profit

For many Americans, September 11th was an opportunity to return to the traditional “American values,” as stated by David Harvey. Communities united in an effort to ease some of the suffering that impacted citizens across all economic classes. In this … Continue reading

Posted in February 27, Kathryn Cox | Leave a comment

Global Cities

New York has always been a stronghold for business and the economy. Even as globalization emerged and changed how economics works in general New York has remained in the center of attention. One interesting point I found from The Global City is … Continue reading

Posted in February 27, Yvette Deane | Leave a comment

NYC economy VS the Global City

What I found interesting this week was the discussion of NYC’s economy post WW II. While the NYC we know is the one that is a global center (a World Trade Center, if you will), the NYC that emerged post-war … Continue reading

Posted in February 27, Nicola Kornbluth | Leave a comment

World Trade

I was very young when the attack on 9/11 occurred. I remember little about the attack itself. What stands clearer in my mind was the constant replays on the news and the fact that it seemed to be the only … Continue reading

Posted in February 27 | Leave a comment

comments on readings for 2/27

class, please use this forum to post comments on readings for 2/27.  the overall theme for the week is the economy of NYC.  as always you are free to take your comments in any relevant direction you want.  some questions … Continue reading

Posted in February 27 | Leave a comment