Category Archives: March 13
Just a glimpse at how I feel
When I think back to September 11th it seems like it wasn’t so long ago that I felt the overwhelming fear I had as a little girl knowing that both my mom and dad worked in Lower Manhattan. Now knowing … Continue reading
Let’s just cut unemployment.
Reading Mike Wallace’s take on implementing the WPA to today’s New York really lit some bulbs in my head. The WPA in the 30’s was able to cut down unemployment rates while simultaneously improving the community of New York. One … Continue reading
Luxury Product
I thought the most interesting reading this week was Chapter 4 of Bloomberg’s New York, about the branding of NYC. Chapter 5 talks about Bloomberg’s Way of treating New York as a product. He really branded New York as a … Continue reading
My View of New York City is Changing
Naive as it may sound, I used to think that New York was always (at least for a very long time) one of the greatest cities in the world, a place where everyone wanted to live and be a part … Continue reading
I just have to understand where that word came from, and then we can move on to New York and it’s new deal.. In this article, I feel that Wallace is saying exactly what the class was saying in the … Continue reading
NYC – WPA = Unnecessarily high unemployment rates in our city
Being that my classmates and I were so young when September 11th happened, it was interesting to read this excerpt and look back at the effects of that tragic day on our city. It seems strange to me that there … Continue reading
Deal or No Deal?
Reading Mike Wallace’s article New York, New Deal gave me pause. It reminded me how I wish I had more time to properly acquint myself with the mechanisms of our economic structure. I say this because, prior to reading this article, … Continue reading
Rebuilding a broken city
This article was definitely one of my favorites so far this semester. Since I was a kid when the World Trade Centers crashed, I don’t remember much of the recovery and planning of the city rebound. The authors opinion was … Continue reading
“Not-So-New” Deal
The Mike Wallace reading this week suggested looking back to the time of Roosevelt and implementing “new deal” tactics to deal with the suffering economy. It’s funny this was the topic for the week because just yesterday I was having … Continue reading
Changing Our (Queens College) One-Stop Mindsets
“New York City is never going to be the lowest-priced place to do business; it is just the most efficient place to do business.” Well said, Mayor. In placing value over cost, Bloomberg was able to justify such a statement, … Continue reading