Anesthetics, Pain Management, and the Ignoring of Women’s Suffering – Photographs

A typical anesthesia mask is placed over the patient's face in preparation for their surgery
A typical anesthesia mask is placed over the patient’s face in preparation for their surgery
Queen Victoria birthed her last two children, Leopold and Beatrice, with the aid of chloroform, administered every 10-15min throughout her labor. As an older mother at 38 years old, the physician felt this method would help both the mother and the child.
Queen Victoria birthed her last two children, Leopold and Beatrice, with the aid of chloroform, administered every 10-15min throughout her labor. As an older mother at 38 years old, the physician felt this method would help both the mother and the child.
Twilight Sleep, a birthing procedure using morphine and scopolamine to reduce pain and induce amnesia, was sold as "Painless Childbirth" at a time when maternal mortality was still relatively high.
Twilight Sleep, a birthing procedure using morphine and scopolamine to reduce pain and induce amnesia, was sold as “Painless Childbirth” at a time when maternal mortality was still relatively high.