BioBlitz Summary: What Lies Beneath

This webinar was presented by Jessica Ware, Megan Wilson, and Adrienne Brundage.  The presenters shed light on the various facets surrounding insects.

One of the key things highlighted by the presenters was how to conduct iNaturalist observations with regard to insects.  this included best practices of how one should capture an insect for observation.

The presenters covered termites and Hemiptera, for instance. Hemiptera is known to leave certain visual indicators, such as markings on leaves. They also emit sounds that permit their discovery.  Upon discovery, they can be caught with tools like an aerial net.  Termites are creatures of which I did not initially think had a complex social structure.  I learned that they had social class distinctions that define an individual’s role.

Perhaps the greatest takeaway I had was about the spotted lanternfly. The spotted lanternfly was something I became more aware of in news coverage since, as I understood its potential harm on the local native species.

One thought on “BioBlitz Summary: What Lies Beneath

  1. You’ve shared some interesting details here! For future blog posts make sure you are complete as well as specific. What kind of scientists are the presenters, what are their areas of research expertise, and where do they work? Make sure you proofread, too – I spotted a couple missing capitalization at the beginning of a sentence.

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