Professor Rodberg, Queens College

Category: Announcement

ITFs’ Eporfolio Workshop: 3/18

I wanted to invite you to this event with the ITFs after class on this Wednesday, 3/18. It might help you with your class project or something outside class:

Eportfolio/WordPress Workshop
Hosted by your local QC ITFs
Led by Caroline Erb-Medina

12:15-1:15 (free hour)
Wednesday, March 18
Room 9, Honors Hall

Wondering how you can amplify your online presence? Looking for ideas for a new site? Want inspiration to update an old site? Curious about what Eportfolios even are?
Come discuss information architecture, basic design principles, review themes, plugins, widgets, and much more. Bring your questions, your laptops, and an appetite! There will be pizza!

Open to all QC MHC students.

…Coming soon on Monday, 4/20: An open discussion on graduate school with doctoral students who are experiencing and surviving it right now…

Borrow AV Equipment from MHC

If you do not feel your smart phones are enough for your projects, you can borrow AV equipment from Macaulay.  Just be sure to fill out the form at least 3 business days before you need the equipment.

Please familiarize yourself with and are comfortable using whatever equipment you decide to check out.