Macaulay Honors College Seminar 4 | Professor Robin Rogers

Category: Tech Tutorials

Adding a Google Doc to the shared drive

Here are some pointers on adding a Google Doc to the shared Google Drive when you need to turn in the draft of your Issues of New York posts.

1. Access the Shared Drive link from the invitation e-mail that I sent to you.

2. When you open the Drive, click on the blue button labeled “NEW”

3. Select “Google Docs” from the list:

4. Select “OK” when you’re prompted about creating a doc in the shared folder:

5. Once you’ve created a doc, copy and paste (or just write) your Issues of New York post(s) into it. Make sure to title the doc with your first name and last initial in the top left-hand corner:

Please note that anything you put in the Google Drive folder will be accessible and editable by your classmates.

Posting to the course site

Here’s a guide on posting to the course site (your Issues of New York posts).

1. Log in to the ePortfolio system here.

2. Once you’ve logged in, hover your mouse over the menu item that says the name of the course page, and then click “Dashboard”:

3. Once you’re on the back end of the site, go to Posts –> Add New:

4.  Important: Don’t forget to select “Issues of New York Profiles” when you’ve finished writing your post! Otherwise, your post won’t show up on the correct page:
A Posts page on the back end of a Word Press site with a red box around the category box

Pro Tip: It’s a good idea to write your post in a Word document and to copy / paste it into the blog, because sometimes WordPress doesn’t save drafts. If you do this, you might have weird formatting issues. To resolve those, do the following, but note that if your post has hyperlinks in it, this will deactivate them:

5. Go to Edit –> Select all

6. Once your text is selected, click the “Clear Formatting” eraser on the text editor menu:
The "Clear Formatting" eraser on the text editor menu has a red box around it and a red arrow pointing to it

7. You’re ready to submit your post! You can push the green “Publish” button on the right-hand side of the page: