Fashion of Different Culture

New York City is a cultural melting pot. People of different cultures from all around the world reside here. Each individual culture is unique in its own way. I feel that fashion of the various cultures that are in New York can be an interesting topic for us to explore. Although immigrants tend to change the way they dress in order to assimilate to America, many still wear their traditional clothing on important events and holidays. For example, on Chinese New Year children would dress up and wear silk traditional Chinese jackets to celebrate the holidays. Also, Chinese female would wear traditional Cheongsams on their wedding. Another example of traditional clothing would be the Kimonos of the Japanese.  Fashion not only signifies the history, but also displays the tradition of individual cultures.

For the project, we can do research on the history of traditional wear and maybe also on how the traditional clothing is made. We can compare and contrast clothing of different cultures with the use of photography. Also using photography, we can show the intricate design of various cultural clothing. Videos and audios can also be use to show how the clothing is made, and when do people actually wear their cultural clothing.

Some cultures have longer history when compare to other, and for those cultures there are ample amount of information for us to do research on. We can focus on various cultures present in one particular neighbor, or in New York City as a whole. It would be really interesting to see the difference and the similarities between the fashion of distinctively different cultures.

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