Population Statistics


harlem population

Source: NYC Gov District 10 Census Data

As can be seen in relation to crime data, the population of Harlem began to grow in the mid 1990’s, as crime rates began to decrease under stricter enforcement by the authorities. Though the change is modest (only about sixteen thousand more people), it is enormous when looked at in percentage of the population, as it is a 16% rise over twenty years. The trends seen in this graph of increasing population can be seen in other areas of New York City as well, such as Williamsburg.

harlem by race


When looked at in terms of race, it is clear that gentrification is occurring in Harlem; the resident African American population seems to be on a decline, while whites and other groups are increasing in numbers. As can also be seen in wealth disparity data (see politics), a wealthier group of professionals seem to be taking the place of the resident poverty stricken community, only further affirming the ongoing gentrification.

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