Crime and Policing

From the 1980’s onward, crime rates have been decreasing in Harlem. In the early 1900’s, Italian crime was prominent. However, in the latter half of the century, there was more African American crime. When the African American population began to increase, gangs organized themselves in a similar fashion, playing economic games including “policy banks.” “Policy banks” were illegal lotteries in which residents of poor neighborhoods would try and guess the lottery numbers for the next day. Activities such as these have been in a downward spiral over the past thirty years.

Mortality rates have been high compared to the rest of New York City and the rest of the country. Health care is lacking but there have been improvements recently. As more middle class professionals move into Harlem, crime rates, both violent and property, have fallen, according to precinct data.

Under the leadership of Rudy Giuliani and other local leaders, the influence of crime, drugs, mortality, and poverty have all decreased.

Statistics from NYC 28th Precinct

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Taken from the Washington Post


As can be seen, crime rates have dropped significantly over the last twenty years, and whether it can be totally contributed to Mayor Giuliani’s policies, it can be seen that he is responsible for continuing trends and policies that helped the situation greatly.

Gun violence in particular has decreased in Harlem. The following graphic shows a trend seen in most, if not all, New York City areas, such as the Meatpacking District. Gun violence has decreased over the course of the last twenty years.

Credit: Federal Bureau of Investigation


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