
With its location being just a bridge-cross away from the bustling borough of Manhattan, Williamsburg can easily be perceived as a place where there is nothing to do; and that wouldn’t be so far from the truth. There are only three popular locations in Williamsburg for recreation and two out of the three places lack originality.

Williamsburg Bridge: This long bridge stretches over the East River and connects Brooklyn with Manhattan. It is a nice place to walk or ride a bicycle as there are lanes designated for these.

Williamsburg Bridge

McCarren Park: There are several small parks scattered around Williamsburg, usually consisting only of a playground and a couple of park benches. McCarren Park is not one these. It is much larger and widely considered as the best park in the neighborhood. There is a public pool, a music venue, a track where people can run, and the park has hosted several events throughout the year (such as a free bicycle-riding tutorial for children). And, like the bridge, McCarren Park is a pleasant place for people to walk around in and get some fresh air.

Williamsburg McCarren ParkBrooklyn Bowl: This is one of the only unique places in Williamsburg and pretty much the only thing to do if there is bad weather. Unlike many of bowling alleys you’ve been to, Brooklyn Bowl is enormous and beautifully designed. Not only is it passionate bowler’s dream but it is also a great place to just hang out and spend the evening.

Williamsburg Bowling

While it is clear that Williamsburg is still rather underdeveloped as far as recreation, there are some signs of things to come. Just recently a new nightclub has opened on Wythe Avenue called Output. Since the day of its opening earlier this year, Output

Output Nightclub 2

has exceeded all expectations and has proven to be the place to be for today’s young adults on any night. We were actually able to find a young gentleman in Williamsburg who has been to Output several times now (he refused to provide any personal information or be recorded). He told us a little about the club and went on to say, “My friends and I are really glad to have Output here in our neighborhood.” Then, laughing while saying it, he said, “Now we don’t have to make the trip to Manhattan every damn weekend!”

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