Family/ societal Values in NYC

Different cultures have different ideas of respect and interactions with others in a society. As a class project I propose that we discuss the different ways in which people take care of their family and friends in different cultures. I thought about this because I see that many people of chinese decent tend to live with their parents even when they have their own jobs and spouses while people of other countries can’t wait to kick their offspring out. Also I know of different societal rules that people follow in different cultures like chinese people have different rules about gifting as well as eating in the presence of others. There are also different rules on how to treat the elderly and the young in each culture and I feel like highlighting these living styles would be interesting to do.

For the presentation of this topic we could research about the social rules of different cultures, of the different classes in different cultures, and the family structures of the cultures. We could conduct interviews, and have different interactive graphs that describe the role of each person in society. We could then describe the way each of these cultures has integrated the American way into their cultures and see which values are kept and which are discarded. Since each person is different, I feel like we could gather a lot of information on this.

In a place as diverse as New York City, there should be no shortage of tradition and culture; we would easily be able to research the different ways of living people uphold. We could also incorporate this idea into how people conduct businesses and create social groups. For example, how would people network, attract people, provide services that each person likes like serving tea or some other kind of refreshment at the business. In other words, we could research how the different rules of interaction in each culture affect the way they conduct themselves in the wider community of New York.

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