Demographics and Family life in NY

For our class project, I think we should pursue the demographics and family structure in different areas in New York. We should observe the types of people that live in different neighborhoods, starting from their family size to their culture. It would help us distinguish which neighborhoods are oriented around family life and which are oriented around young professionals. By observing different areas in around the city, we would be able to come to a conclusion about that area. If parks, daycares and schools are numerous in a specific neighborhood, for example, we could assume that that neighborhood is focused on family life. Whereas if the stores in the area were catered to the “yuppies” we could assume that that neighborhood is orientated around the young professionals. We would also observe how culture plays a role in family life. For example, the number of kids that certain families have, like the orthodox Jewish communities, which tend to have large families. This project would show where people would want to raise their families, and areas where the younger generations live. It would also give us an insight to age ranges of the many neighborhoods in the city. We would also observe the family values that certain cultures have. This ties in with the neighborhood visits because we would observe different areas than the ones already visited and even be able to compare and contrast. It also relates to the lecture held by Joseph Salvo, who spoke extensively about the demographics in New York. Media would definitely be a big part in this project. We would photograph the areas we visit, interview the people living in the neighborhoods, and incorporate numerous charts and graphs. It would really expand our knowledge about New York and the different neighborhoods.

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