Author Archives: Aaron Fung

Cost of Living in NYC

I think the class project should be about the cost of living in NYC. Depending on how in-depth we want to be, there is a lot to research about the subject. There are many factors, such as housing, food, and … Continue reading

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Ditmas Park

[prezi id=””]

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Family History

[prezi id=””]

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Only in ‘murica

I do hear the phrase “only in america” as a joke from time to time. Things that seem out of the ordinary or bizarre can and do happen in the US. In a scenario where a woman rapes a man … Continue reading

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Aaron Fung

My name is Aaron Fung. As a first year in Baruch, I am still looking for my passion in the academic field. I am interested in philosophy and applied math. One of my life goals is to be able to … Continue reading

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