Author Archives: isabelzhao

Recreation in NYC

I think a good subject for the class project can be based on the theme of recreation that can be found here in New York City. Each culture would have different ideas of what is worth doing on your free … Continue reading

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Neighborhood Visit – Jackson Heights

[prezi id=”″] Navtej Ahuja, Christopher Woo, Isabel Zhao

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Family History Prezi

[prezi id=”″]

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My Weekend

[prezi id=”″]

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Only In America

I was with a younger cousin who came from China one day and we were driving around when she asked me what people put in their garage if their cars are in the driveway. The question was very unexpected and … Continue reading

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Isabel Zhao

Hi, I’m Isabel Zhao and I am a freshman at Baruch College. I am currently undecided in terms of my major but I am leaning towards accounting. As of now, I am not very involved in school aside from a … Continue reading

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