Author Archives: kkang525

Street Art in NYC

I think that an interesting topic for our class to research would be street art and architecture in New York City. We’ve all seen various forms of street art whether it be murals, graffiti, or sticker art. While there is … Continue reading

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Family History: Kunal Kang

[prezi id=]

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Prezi – My Weekend

[prezi id=”″]

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Only In America

Only in America do we not use the metric system. Only in America do we eat junk food and then sue other people for our health problems. Only in America is there such a wide variety of cultures and opportunities.

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Kunal Kang

Hi, my name is Kunalajit Kang, but most people can’t pronounce that so I prefer to be called Kunal. I live on Staten Island and commute to Baruch. I love playing basketball and I have also been playing the saxophone … Continue reading

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