Author Archives: kkorb217

Food of NYC

If we are not going to do a holiday theme (which I still believe is a great idea), I feel that we should focus on the foods of the various cultures that are present in New York. The reason why … Continue reading

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Kevin Korb Family History Prezi

[prezi id=”″]

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Kevin Korb – My Weekend

[prezi id=”″]

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Only in America

Soccer is not appreciated and considered to be a lame sport by the majority………Only in America. Someone can be old enough to fight for his/her country but cannot drink a beer……Only in America  

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Kevin Korb

Hey my name is Kevin and I’m a freshman here at Baruch. I was born here in New York but my parents were born and raised in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I speak both spanish and english fluently and I use … Continue reading

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