Author Archives: nayoungahn

Etiquette of different ethnic groups in NYC

I think it would be worthwhile to explore basic etiquettes of different ethnicities that consist the population of New York City. When we think of New York City, it is almost impossible to envision it without associating with the term, … Continue reading

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Richmond Hill

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My Weekend_NYA

[prezi id=”″]

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Nayoung Ahn

Hi, I’m Nayoung Ahn (on the right). I guess I’m the only one (at least in this class) who didn’t attend high school in the US. I’m from Seoul, South Korea. I graduated Seoul Global High School. I used to … Continue reading

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Only in America

Only in America, undergraduate schools are called colleges. Only in America people often mispronounce foreign words without making a big fuss about it. (for now you have  “Americanized” it)  

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