Author Archives: navtejahuja

Final Website Proposal

Often times, communities are built around religious institutions. These kinds of neighborhoods were prevalent in the past, and still do exist in some areas. I believe that an interesting idea for the final website would be to explore the influence … Continue reading

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Family History

[prezi id = “”]

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The Weekend.

[prezi id= “”]

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Only in America

People order double cheeseburgers, large fries, and a diet coke. People spend money to look poor (aka ripped jeans). Apathy is the new norm for children and teenagers. Only in America.  

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Navtej Ahuja

Hey guys, my name’s Navtej and I’m currently studying political science and economics here at Baruch. I came to America when I was six years old. I enjoy playing cricket and badminton. My career goals include the study of international … Continue reading

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