Category Archives: Class Project Proposals


I had an engaging discussion with a man in New Orleans, Pastor Randy. We did not speak very much about New York, but when we did, he spoke of Harlem as only someone who does not live here would. In … Continue reading

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Cemeteries The Manhattan population has evolved over time and since the establishment of the island, cemeteries have defined the outskirts of communities and neighborhoods of certain groups of demographics. These are different populations but it’s a constant footprint of these … Continue reading

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Final Website Proposal

Often times, communities are built around religious institutions. These kinds of neighborhoods were prevalent in the past, and still do exist in some areas. I believe that an interesting idea for the final website would be to explore the influence … Continue reading

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Ethnic Music and Dance in NYC

Music and dance is a big part of the arts and culture in New York. Since music and dance can differ based on preferences, it should be an interesting topic to discuss. For the class assignment, we could look into … Continue reading

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Demographics and Family life in NY

For our class project, I think we should pursue the demographics and family structure in different areas in New York. We should observe the types of people that live in different neighborhoods, starting from their family size to their culture. … Continue reading

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Family/ societal Values in NYC

Different cultures have different ideas of respect and interactions with others in a society. As a class project I propose that we discuss the different ways in which people take care of their family and friends in different cultures. I … Continue reading

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Taboos and Superstitions

In many tall buildings of New York City, one might notice that there is not a thirteenth floor does not exist. Even in certain hospitals, room thirteen cease to exist. Architects or landlords purposely omit this floor, but why? In … Continue reading

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Stories from Different Cultures

Most of the students in this Seminar 2 class are children of immigrants or have ancestors that were immigrants.  Growing up, my relatives would tell me stories that they heard from their parents in their home countries.  They were fairytales, … Continue reading

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Fashion of Different Culture

New York City is a cultural melting pot. People of different cultures from all around the world reside here. Each individual culture is unique in its own way. I feel that fashion of the various cultures that are in New … Continue reading

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For the class project I propose that we focus on the topic of food in NYC. Food plays a huge role in our everyday lives and contributes to the various cultures in NYC. For the project, we can examine the … Continue reading

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Food of NYC

If we are not going to do a holiday theme (which I still believe is a great idea), I feel that we should focus on the foods of the various cultures that are present in New York. The reason why … Continue reading

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Etiquette of different ethnic groups in NYC

I think it would be worthwhile to explore basic etiquettes of different ethnicities that consist the population of New York City. When we think of New York City, it is almost impossible to envision it without associating with the term, … Continue reading

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Music of NYC

Proposal: Music of NYC For our class project, I think an interesting subject to focus on could be the different types of music found in NYC. We could examine the different types of music each ethnicity listens to, and how … Continue reading

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Street Art in NYC

I think that an interesting topic for our class to research would be street art and architecture in New York City. We’ve all seen various forms of street art whether it be murals, graffiti, or sticker art. While there is … Continue reading

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Recreation in NYC

I think a good subject for the class project can be based on the theme of recreation that can be found here in New York City. Each culture would have different ideas of what is worth doing on your free … Continue reading

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