Category Archives: Only in America

Only in America

Only in America: … do we criminalize immigration on land we stole from natives. … would there be more empty housing units than homeless people. … can you make more money as a cashier than as a skilled professional elsewhere. … Continue reading

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Only In America

Only in America does American exceptionalism exist.

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Only in America

Only in America, undergraduate schools are called colleges. Only in America people often mispronounce foreign words without making a big fuss about it. (for now you have  “Americanized” it)  

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Only in America

Only in America are kids more concerned with Justin Bieber and other celebrity gossip than news. Only in America are the poor people fat.

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Only in America

People order double cheeseburgers, large fries, and a diet coke. People spend money to look poor (aka ripped jeans). Apathy is the new norm for children and teenagers. Only in America.  

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Only in America

Only in America does the government regulate our abilities to purchase large sodas. Only in America can people fight for their country but not purchase alcohol.

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Only in America

Only in America do people have to convert from the American System to the Metric System while looking at textbooks from any other country.

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Only In America

Only in America are people more preoccupied with the daily lives of famous celebrities such as Kim Kardashian than the latest bills and laws passed by Congress. Only in America are people more likely to read the latest gossip magazine … Continue reading

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Only In America

Only in America do we not use the metric system. Only in America do we eat junk food and then sue other people for our health problems. Only in America is there such a wide variety of cultures and opportunities.

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Only in America

Only in America do we have parades for Chinese Lunar New Year

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Only In America

Only in America do people care more about the daily lives of celebrities rather than catching up on important news. Many citizens concern themselves with the latest updates about Kim Kardashian’s personal life and neglect to educate themselves about issues that affect … Continue reading

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Only in America

Only in America do we vote for individuals rather then parties (and by extension platforms), and then act disappointed when these individuals turn out to be acting selfishly, rather then for the good of a party.  By keeping a system in place … Continue reading

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Only in America

Only in America is the game of football different from football in the rest of the world. Only in America are there so many different types of food from every background.

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Only In America

I was with a younger cousin who came from China one day and we were driving around when she asked me what people put in their garage if their cars are in the driveway. The question was very unexpected and … Continue reading

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Only in America

Soccer is not appreciated and considered to be a lame sport by the majority………Only in America. Someone can be old enough to fight for his/her country but cannot drink a beer……Only in America  

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