“Stop and Frisk”

“Stop and Frisk” has become a highly debated topic, especially in areas such as Harlem. It is defined as “The situation in which a police officer who is suspicious of an individual detains the person and runs his hands lightly over the suspect’s outer garments to determine if the person is carrying a concealed weapon.” 

Advocates of the policy point to the fact that this policy ensures safer neighborhoods and decreases the chances of crime. They point to lower crime rates and less homicides to support this policy. They add that being frisked is not the same as being arrested, and those who have nothing to conceal should not be worried.The lower crime rates and homicide numbers are an integral component of the gentrification process, as the policy makers of the area are responding and trying to urge a new type of population to move in by convincing people that the area is safe, convenient, and ready for young professionals.

However, those who argue against it have pointed to the fact that it can be inherently racist, as police officers are likely to target stereotypical groups such as young African American and Latino men, and should be stopped immediately. “Although African-American and Latino young men aged 14-24 make up only 4.7 percent of the city’s population, they account for 41.6 percent of all stops in 2011” (Huffington Post). There have been many protests, in Harlem as well, arguing the constitutionality of the law, and the fact that it causes more violence than it prevents. There have been a few cases where police officers have been caught on camera making racist remarks (see below). While those who argue against these policies are not against gentrification, they do not want to be displaced or considered as second class to the type of people being attracted to the area.

As a part of the gentrification process, the “Stop and Frisk” mechanism depicts a more active police role in the area, and subsequently a safer environment.





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