Project Proposal: Religion

For our class’s final project we could do a project on the focusing on the religious practices of the immigrants. The United States is known for having numerous types of religion. This is due to the fact that we have the right to practice whichever religion we choose. Part of the diversity of religion is due to the diversity of people we have here in the United States, but to do something like this, what more of a diverse place than New York City.

If we are to look at religion we should look at:

  • Roman Catholics
  • Jews
  • Hindu
  • Buddhist
  • Muslims

Certain immigrant groups are known for practicing a certain religion. Some groups are even split as to which type of religion they practice. I think that religion would provide a different perspective on the immigrants that come to New York City.

We would be trying to understand: Why do they practice this religion? How does their religion affect the way they conduct themselves? How important is their religion/faith? Is their religion/practice have any significant impact on the community they live in?

If we were to do this project we could have split the class up into 5 groups and each group would have to focus on one of the religions listed above. Would have to do research to see what neighborhoods in New York City practice these religions and visit one or two of those neighborhoods. You would have to observe the people, look for places of worship, interview some people, take pictures (maybe a video of your journey)…whatever works to help you and your group understand the importance and impact of their religion and which immigrant groups generally tend to practice these religions.

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