Fashion in Jewish Neighborhoods

The fashion trends within Orthodox Jewish neighborhoods in New York City are a fascinating topic to explore. According to the Torah, the body is something private and should be separated from public view. This text explains that it is not about what one covers, but what is exposed to the community. Thus, modesty dressing is popular in predominately religious Jewish areas. Yet, Hasidic Jewish women find ways to wear high-end brand names while abiding to cultural laws, which state to cover elbows and knees. Neighborhoods such as Borough Park and Crown Heights consist of many clothing stores owned by Jewish families that cater to the needs of the surrounding community. It would be interesting to look through such establishments and identify particular patterns or norms within. In addition, a debate can be found about modesty in dress. Are expensive brand names really ‘modest’ wear?

New York City has the second largest Jewish population in the world after Israel. Jewish history in this metropolis has been developing for centuries; thus, a unique sense of fashion has blossomed within this group as well. In addition to the trends in female-wear, ultra- Orthodox men have a distinctive style of dress that can be studied. For example, not many know the difference between Yamakas, the regular round hats, and the large cylindrical fur bombers (Strommel) worn by men in Jewish neighborhoods. Plus, certain holidays require particular pieces of clothing to be worn. Accordingly, Jewish fashion, whether it is Hasidic or Modern Orthodox, is a significant subtopic of clothing in New York City. For the website, one can visit a vastly Jewish area and check out clothing stores in the neighborhood. Then, information can be collected about such fashion in present day New York and interviews can be conducted with individuals who have been following strict rules of dress their whole lives. Therefore, a lot can be learned about clothing through religious Jewish communities. Dedicating part of the class website to this topic will definitely diversify the site and make it original.

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