Class Project Outline

In regards to our class project I would like to focus on how the modern immigrant teenager has incorporated their home country’s culture into their americanized fashion. This also connects to how  immigrants from different generations dress. Obviously there will be a difference in how they dress since over time clothing has changed and what may be considered appropriate for one age group may not seem so for another, but it’d be interesting to learn how different generations have kept their home culture through their clothing. For example, I know a few people who wear bracelets featuring the colors of their home country’s flag, bandanas, shirts, and jackets. It definitely seems more “American-ized” than what people in the past would have worn.  I would like to know how this differed from earlier immigrants. What did they wear to remind themselves of their home countries? Is there even a difference?

It’d also be interesting to learn why even people from different countries take concepts and parts of other cultures and incorporate it into their fashion, and at what point it is considered cultural appropriation.

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