Gender Roles in Immigration: Indian Culture

Immigrants that come from places such as Pakistan, Bangladesh, and India make up over 2 million people living in the United States. It is said that immigrants from the Indian sub-continent living in the United States represent the third largest immigrant group in the country behind the Chinese immigrants, and the Mexican immigrants. Gender roles are clearly represented in Indian and Middle Eastern society, which place the men in positions of societal hierarchy. Past incidents and customs of Indian culture such as the traditional dowry that is placed on women in arranged marriages shapes the male to female dynamic to be skewed. Earning money is considered a male dominated portion of Indian tradition, however when immigrating here many Indian women are prone to getting educated and earning their own living. I believe that through observing the clothing of Indian women we can decipher which customs are still in use today. My primary belief is that women who have immigrated here in their later years are prone to keeping the traditional clothing of India, however those that came here at a younger age, or those that were born in the New York City are able to assimilate into New York City society and follow the more equal male to female gender, as opposed to prior gender stereotyping in their ethnic, home country.

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