Gender Roles

For our class project that will be about Clothing/Fashion involved with Immigrants of New York City, I would like to research and analyze the difference between certain cultures and how men and women dress within these cultures. I believe that there is a key aspect to male and female gender roles that is clearly seen in the ways that males and females present themselves in society. The attire of a male and the attire of a female are drastically different, and if those two attires are switched between genders there is an even greater societal discrepancy. I would like to look at the way that men and women are forced to succumb to societal normality in their everyday attire. I would then like to see how relevant it is for other cultures, such as Indian culture, Hispanic culture, and Asian culture to dress based upon how males and females are expected to dress. It would be interesting to see how the attire of a certain culture differs from when they lived in their native country, to when they assimilated into New York City culture. I feel like some people would keep their native dress because the city is such an accepting place for cultural independence. However I also believe that when people immigrate to America and assimilate into society they are more prone to change the way that they present themselves to match the community in which they live, so that it is more comfortable for them and for the other people in that community. Basically, I would like to observe the difference in male and female clothing in order to describe the status of male versus female authority in any culture, as well as observe the differences between the cultures in the ways that women and men dress, hence the way that they are perceived.

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