Pier 40

Pier 40

In the first section of Netherland, Hans and Chuck are driving down the West Side for a surprise trip that Chuck is taking Hans on. Chuck is detailing plans he has to build a cricket stadium in New York, and as they pass Pier 40, Chuck describes how the building became the center of operation for the Humane Society of New York after the September 11th attacks. People from all different cultures came together to help one another recover after the terrorist attacks, and Pier 40 became a place of bonding for these people. As Hans and Chuck continue to drive, however, Chuck states that he does not want to build his cricket stadium at Pier 40, but instead at Floyd Bennet Field in Brooklyn. (pages 77-79)

(Fun fact: I used to play soccer at Pier 40 when I was on a travel team in middle school. The fields on the top of the building have great views of the Hudson River.)

One thought on “Pier 40

  1. David Rosenberg

    Very nice. It’s mentioned in passing but still seems to be important since Pier 40 embodies so many of the themes of the book. I have played soccer there and I used to park there too.

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