In the Advanced Vertical Flight Laboratory of Texas A&M University, I worked on developing a transformable quad-tilt rotor vehicle during my summer of 2018. This vehicle has four rotors that can be tilted during flight and after landing. Once the four rotors tilt after landing, it virtually becomes a land rover and that’s why it’s called a two-terrain transformable vehicle.

I worked on all the hardware components of this vehicle from the scratch. I also fully developed and tested an embedded C code and a LabVIEW VI code to remotely transform the vehicle from one mode to another. By the end of the summer, I was able to show that my hardware and software combinations are fully functional and I had just enough time to assemble the vehicle and operate it in the land mode.

Drive Mode Video: 


Flight Mode Video:   




Image: Fully assembled vehicle in both land mode and flight mode orientation




Transformation between modes using LabVIEW (my changes are highlighted)  

Testing Full Drive mode on my bench-top setup using RC device

Power and Control Circuit Testing

Flight Mode Activated Remotely with a switch 


Drive Mode enabled remotely with a LabVIEW switch