
“You expected the cars to stop for you? Welcome to India!”

Posted in Uncategorized at 11:25 AM by Samira Khan

So I have finally found time to post another entry on this blog (aka I’ve finally been able to connect to the wifi from my room instead of the library). After a long 15 hour flight to Mumbai (seriously, why are airplane seats so uncomfortable!?!) we were finally able to get out and get our first experience of India. As soon  as we walked out of customs we were hit with the hustle and bustle of the fast paced Mumbai life. Cars were zooming around left and right honking their horns and flashing their lights whilst we tried to cross the road. (yeah.. we thought they would stop for us… guess not!) But we made it out alive and managed to get into the van that was going to drive us 8 hours into the village of Jamkhed. Now some things you must know about India, 1. there are stop signs/traffic lights only about 5 minutes away from the airport, and nobody actually stops at them; 2. those traffic lights basically end up disappearing once we get on to the main road;  and 3. indian drivers basically drive as if they’re in an intense race (aka it felt like we were legit going 100 mph. apparently it was 100 km/hr but i highly doubt that was true. because it felt like we were on a roller coaster ride.) So clearly, I was not sleeping on this car ride, however I didn’t really mind. Even though it was dark outside I was able to take in the scenery and really enjoyed the view along the highway. Once we got into the main village area the rural side of India began displaying its colors and it was a really interesting contrast from the crazy hustle and bustle we saw in Mumbai. (pictures will be uploaded soon).

We ended up getting to the CRHP campus at around 5am so that basically meant I wasn’t about to get much sleep.

Our suite is compromised of three bedrooms and two bathrooms as well as one common area. and it opens up to a balcony with a really nice view. One thing  I loved was the calm quiet view (well..minus the really loud obnoxious crows.. but they disappear after a while) we get from the balcony. I can definitely foresee many mornings being spent out there.

Overall the CRHP campus is really nice, and I thought it was quite calm and peaceful, but according to our professor it will change and become more busy soon so we’ll see how that goes. Also, we went in to town today to go sari shopping, and it was quite exciting. We need saris for this event that is going to be held soon and so we figured today was a prime time to go. I’m really quite excited about wearing my sari (it’s so pretty!). Pictures will definitely be coming soon!

1 Comment »

  1.    Chirag Shah said,

    January 5, 2011 at 12:09 AM

    You’re points 1, 2, and 3 are most definitely true! No one follows the rules unless they are caught by a cop, which happens often but there is so much corruption that people have ways to get away. I have heard of many and have experienced many as well. Most roads are a roller coaster, so no one will be able to sleep on the roads. Sorry about that – but that is the ride away from the major cities. I love the rural side. It is very calm and peaceful and sometimes it feels really good because at least in the monsoon season you feel the fog on your head many times of the day and especially early in the morning – you should feel that one day by waking up very early. There is shopping there! Oh my, completely did not know about it. Well you can enjoy that too if Bombay does not work out. Interested in seeing the pics 😀

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