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Samira Khan

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Some More Pictures!

Posted in Uncategorized at 2:03 PM by

also, i think i’m becoming addicted to chai (indian tea) seeing as how we get served it like 2-3 times a day. 1

Internet Disruptions Cause Many Blog Delays…

Posted in Uncategorized at 1:56 PM by

that and laziness.. or well also the fact that i’ve been super busy! So much has happened in the past week that i do not even know where to start. Aside from the 3 day internet power outage, we’ve been out making daily trips to villages and shopping in town, as well as heading to […]


“You expected the cars to stop for you? Welcome to India!”

Posted in Uncategorized at 11:25 AM by

So I have finally found time to post another entry on this blog (aka I’ve finally been able to connect to the wifi from my room instead of the library). After a long 15 hour flight to Mumbai (seriously, why are airplane seats so uncomfortable!?!) we were finally able to get out and get our […]


Only 4 Days Left!

Posted in Uncategorized tagged at 12:14 AM by

Only 4 more days until I’m off to Newark Airport to board our flight to India! The anticipation is building and I’m pretty much hyped and ready to get out of this country and head to warm and sunny villages of India. I wish I could say i’m packed and ready to go, but my […]